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Top Five Books I'll Never Read

Being a member of marginalized communities shape how I view media. Thus, I'm critical of how media portray and handles issues related to gender, sexuality, etc. Also, by being a member of some marginalized communities, it influences the recognition of the importance to be an ally to other communities. The links in article will direct you towards articles discussing abuse, racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, etc.

Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer

Yeah, I've read the first three back in junior high. I can happily say that these past seven years has shown me the light. The light being a dawning that Bella is a blank slate, her relationship with Edward meets the various qualifiers of abuse, and the franchise's treatment towards Native American communities. Knowing all of that, I doubt I'll be able to stomach the last book, even if it was a hate read.

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

This is the only book series avoided due to concerns within the author/fandom community. A quick google search will inform you of the controversy surrounding this author and claims of plagiarism. While I don't believe that her Mortal Instrument series is a replica of her plagiarized fanfiction, I still don't feel comfortable supporting her works. However, this is a decision a reader has to make personally. If another reader decides to read the series, that is their decision to make.

Also, the lackluster movie doesn't help.

Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James

I fully support those who like reading well-written, erotica. I fully support those who wish to pursue a healthy kinky lifestyle. The feedback is in. Fifty Shades is neither of those.

Enough exerts indicate that this series is far from well-written or healthy. In fact, feel free to read what they have to say about BDSM, look at some of the book's quotes, and real life consequences.

Trans fetish books by assholes

Imagine being a part of a marginalized community, even within your own LGBT+ circles. Imagine trying to find yourself in stories. Being non-binary means that I don't really see myself in stories, so I try to read stories with transgender characters, even if our gender identities don't perfectly align.

A lot of people like to read romance and there's no shame in that. And, reading romance about people similar to you isn't too much to ask for, right? But it's difficult for transgender people, as I found out by casually going through the transgender romance section on Amazon.

The same society that deems you less than human also has a strange fascination with you, with your body. They'll objectify you. They'll fetishize you. But they will not view you more than abnormality that exists for something other than their own gratification.

tl;dr: stay away from romance/erotica that advertizes dickgirls, futa, shemale, tranny, etc.

Anything by Orson Scott Card

In case you're new to the party, Orson Scott Card is an asshole. I know, I know. Ender's Game was fantastic. I completely agreed as kid. Until you reread it. And realize that Orson Scott Card has a history of being homophobic, racist, and sexist. Looking at the world through the eyes of a more experienced adult, compared to a child, really opens up the world. While I used to be a fan of his, that is no longer this and I cannot support his works.

So what books will you not read? Tweet me or message me on tumblr to let me know!

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